Karate has come to its present form after thousands of years of pursuit, practice and hard work..Earlier people practiced it to save their lives and today it is one of the most popular sports..Today we are enjoying the results of thousands of years and are still being upgraded constantly.. From a historical point of view the origin of karate is most confusing and no Accurate records are available. However, there is some disagreement about its origin-

1. Bodhidharma (a well known Buddhist Monk), the 3rd child of King Sugandhain and a member of warrior caste is believed to have arrived at Shaolin Monastery in China around 520A.D. It is said to be after 9 years of meditation at the famous Bodhidharma cave at the foot of Mount Songshai, he taught his students physical Training methods Indian martial art Kalaripayattu to build endurance and physical strength re-quire to carry out rigid discipline that was part of their Religion. According to The legendary Bodhidharma was born in the then city of Kanchipuram in India..

2. The art of Karate was imported to Okinawa Island and it was lended with
indigenous fighting arts at the Island It is believed native Okinawan art of 'te'
was combined with Chinese art of "Kempo" giving rise to the Art of Karate....

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